Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Birthday Bliss

So all in all I cannot complain about my birthday. It was an early morning thanks to the work holiday party being the night before and then having to work at 9 the next day :( but it was okay. Megan made me a delicious cherry chip cake and gave me 2 gifts the book The Host by Stephanie Meyer ( author of Twilight ) and a toasted vanilla reed diffuser! Wendy gave me a soy candle and a bag of my fav candy. After work we were off to Ricki Jo's for dinner with the fam and apparently every one at work. Got some awesome gifts from everyone, Rob's mom Anne got me a mask in Cuba when they went so I was excited about that! Rachel and Matt got me a reusable shopping bag (they know my weakness) and a Michaels gift card! My little brother got me the new Harry Potter movie, Kath and Jay got me Dirty Dancing, and my very own pumpkin spice soap ( no more smelling Diana's hands ) Mom and Dad got me my very own new iPod Touch EEEEEEEEE I am so excited for my new iPod I really needed one so Yay! Rob got me a new set of speakers for my iPod and my laptop and they are adorable and orange! Oh and then the little bro gave me a 25 dollar iTunes card!

Now all I need is an iPod docking station oh and these iPod covers so cute ,http://www.ideal-case.com/ipod/touch-ii/demon-series/circle-series-silicone-case-for-ipod-touch-ii-orange-2.html

The pic's of the gifts are on FB

Love you guys

Friday, October 23, 2009

And I was worried about Wednesday

I began this post at 12:00 pm on Thursday, it is now 1:30 am on Friday

Okay so it looks like any blog posts I am going to be making will be a day late as I am way to exhausted at night to blog :P

Yesterday was Wednesday, after my very long night on Tuesday it was to be an enjoyably relaxing day and for the most part it was! Around 1ish Master and I went to Niagara on the Lake with my mom to have tea and Banoffee pie in the Little Irish Tea Shop that we love!! After that I received a text from Suzy as we were going to be hanging out later that day, she asked me if I was interested in going to a pagan woman's circle, now anyone who knows me well knows that I have been struggling with my "religious beliefs" or should I say lack there of and I have been looking at all religions of the world to figure out if and where I belong in the world. Pagan was something I was immediately drawn to as it identifies with nature and my Norse gods, so I was a little nervous when Suzy asked but after talking to Master he knew I should go as it is something that I was interested in and he figured I would enjoy it, so I agreed.

Suzy came to get me at 5:30 and we went out to shoppers, then Starbucks to talk for a while before we picked up Tasha one of Suzy's friends and might I say a mighty cool girl she is! Then we were off to Rae's house to have the women's circle. Now Runa is the woman I know Suzy goes to for help and she is very close to her and I know Rae and Runa are close but what I didn't grasp was how close Rae and Jen (Masters ex girlfriend and the mother of Aiden one of my awesome step son's!!) are. So I was slightly apprehensive of the evening and what might be said to me. Arrived at the house and met a large number of very friendly ladies all of them quite open and eager to accept people in, I liked that a lot. The ritual that night was an ancestor based one (sorry Suzy but I don't know the terminology yet) and it brought up some very heavy emotions but ones I had been suppressing so it was nice to finally let them out! Also received a message from Runa and I will need to do some deep thinking and soul searching regarding that tidbit.

All in all it was a great time and I am eager to learn more about Suzy and her pagan beliefs!

well I am off to bed so I can write another day late post tomorrow!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tuesdays were long, and hard, but a very fun ride!

Oh so yest I understand it is now Wednesday as I type this but there was no way I was staying up any later than I did to post this and now that I think about it the earliest I was at a computer and able to post was at 3am this morning so regardless it would have been Wednesday anyway so neah!

Anyhoo Tuesday was a very long but good day, we went to Value Village and I found a sleeping beauty barbie to transform, and I found a butter dish! Rob found some books he was looking for but not looking for they just happened to be books he had wanted, Yay books.

We came home and I had a massive headache and wanted to die so I took a shower for an hour ( heh it rhymes) and managed to kick my headache but I was still a little grumpy, good thing he has to put up with me muah ha ha ha!

Went to Perkins for the munch and got a few surprises, first off Evan showed up and I was so excited I have not seen him since he went to Bradford for his culinary placement so yay Evan is back, then who walks in but Neil and Jess I thought I had won the people lottery!

After the munch which ends at the dumb time of 10 Neil, Jess, Rob, Evan, and I went to Timmie's to continue our fun for all!

And it is there that we stayed till 2:15 am, now having said this Neil had to still drive himself and Jess back to Toronto and he had to work at 8 or 9 am eeek (sorry Neil but I can't help but get carried away in your presence )

We drove Evan home and then came home ourselves, I went to bed around 4 and Master well I am pretty sure he never went to bed till 8am ish yah it's going to be a fun Wednesday now!!


Monday, October 19, 2009


Alright so I need to finally make some decisions and commitments to myself.

First of all I need to work on my self esteem and my personal appearance, now I am not saying that I am huge and fat and need to get lypo but I am not in the shape I want to be and I could stand to lose about 45-55 pounds to stay healthy.

Second I need to get my credit on track and keep it that way. Eventually I am going to need a bigger house and there are some nice ones in Kaths Co-op, so once credit is on track I could get in there as we pay our bills :P

Third I have got to get better at keeping my life and my house clean and organized, I cannot stand the mess and yet I thrive in chaos (weird I know)

I have been reading blogs and falling in love with the bloggers and then it hit me, I am not going to find happiness in my own life if I am always dreaming of another, so I have decided to focus on all the good things I have, My friends, My Family, My wonderful step-Kids, and My amazing Fiance!

Heavy thinking for a Monday Afternoon!

nickle xoxoxoxox

Friday, October 2, 2009


Okay going to be a sappy slave for a minuet. Master is going to London Ontario for 3 days and I am stuck here and I miss him already, even though he is sitting in the room as we speak.

Oh sappy nickle sometimes you bug me sometimes, and sometimes I like you, this is neither those times.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturday thoughts

You know what sucks....Life. Yeah thats probably going to depress a bunch of people but it's my blog and I will whine if I want to :P Anyways back to how I feel life sucks, I have managed to keep my house clean..ish, I have began the slippery slope of exercise (my legs are killing me), and on general I have been eating better not the best but better, and yet I still feel depress and want to cry 80% of the time and I can not for the life of me associate this with anything. Friends of mine are going through way way worse thing than my silly moods and they are not being all mopey, no they are grabbing life by the reins, smacking it on the ass and riding through it like a fucking pro and yet here I am going "oh boo hoo hoo nickle is sad" ugh sometimes I hate myself even more than normal. Seriously I am exactly the type of person I would smack in the head.

On to bigger and better things, I think. I am off to the states with my happy cohort Kath and her little terror Diana (terror in a good way people not negative), we will be traveling to the lovely land of Aldi's, Target, Wal-Mart, and Wegmans!! I am hoping I get VTO so we can go sooner rather than later as I have my littlest stepson over for the weekend. The house while in mild disarray has been maintained to a point, however since the washer decided to die two weeks ago I really need to finish the laundry and get everything packed away properly.

My wedding is fast approaching and I am coming to the realization that in ways of preparation I have done......zilch! Okay yes I have spoken to the travel agent to finalize pricing and they are currently trying to work out a better deal than what was offered to us in the beginning but it is still a bother that I have not done the following: Dress shopped with anyone let alone my Maid of Honor, finalized how I am going to approach my grandfather regarding the fact I am getting married but I don't want his wife there, and how I am paying for this.

Ugh hello stress welcome back!

Well I have to get back to work not ( barf) look forward to seeing you soon Kath. Let me know if me taking VTO is not going to work!!



Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I feel like I am drowning in a sea of slavery and there is no one to throw me a life preserver, I will let the tide slip over my head for now and just see what happens as i sink....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Annoying people and fucking hormones

So sitting in Starbucks and just relaxing having a good time drinking my Tazo Chai, we sit down at a table (really it is Tuesday why are there so many people here?) and next to us 3 people sit down, all of them annoying. They have this high pitched whineish laugh that makes me want to punch bambi in the freaking face and tell him what happened to old Ma and Pa dear.

Ugh okay venting made me feel a little better!

Now onto the hormones, I feel like I am in a life raft and my feelings are cresting each time we hit a wave and I start to cry, then I come back down to level and feel better, then it is right back up to crying.

I am going insane with this, I am not on my period (sorry if it's TMI) and I am pretty sure that my life is leveling out a bit better but I keep feeling the 1 step forward 8 steps back, I cannot keep this valiant fight of staying level up for much longer..... time for stress leave? I really hope not.

Meh at least I am better off than other people!


It's not you it's me

Hey Guy's!

You would think that I have a fear of commitment to this blog as I post for a while and then when it seems were getting really close and we might be reaching an exclusive point, blamo there I go running away. Either way here I am again trying to make this work, really blog, I care about you a lot and I think we can have something special don't you, oh really, well I will show you I care.

There has been a lot going on lately in my life, just a mere 3 days ago I travelled to the wonderland that is the Toronto Fan Expo, yes people I was there! Among my esteemed colleges for the day there was, Rob (aka the Master), Jason (aka Coolest Dude for getting me into comics), Rachel (aka Making people horny since 2009), Russell (aka 14 years old, an ass man, and approves of my boobs), oh and Forch was there (no aka for Mr. Complains alot)

Any hoo back to the Fan Expo! This year there was a surplus of super hero costumes as compared to the anime ones, it's not that there were no anime costumes with their giant weapons that take out people where they stand it's just that the Green Lantern corp was there to patrol them, no seriously there was 3 million people either dressed up as a Green Lantern or in a Green Lantern Shirt. One of the guys at a booth wanted to get everyone who was dressed as a Green Lantern to get together to say the pledge, HA would have stayed for that! DC was there for the first time ever and I have to say that they kicked some serious ass, really I have 2 million pound bags filled with free swag from their booth, Marvel (aka Disney) on the other hand had like 2 items for free.

We spent some monies and I got more of my VooDoo Babies, as well as some awesome prezzies from Rob, Jay, and Rachel! All in all it was a great day, minus Captain Complain, the crowds and the fact that somewhere out there geeks are being taught that in order to be a geek you need to smell like ass, really guys your not going to win my geeky heart that way.

After the Long ass day we came home to Kaths (Due to knee issues Kath and Diana were unable to attend, it was for the best really as the crowds were killing me, Diana would have been an Ass/foot pancake) and we all gathered and had pizza and talked about the day and what we loved.

Russell (who is Jays Nephew not Son dummy) was awesome! He was not at all like the other kids his age and he was able to not be annoying like one of our other guests that day (getting a theme here)

Met Beau Bridges, kept forgetting who Jeff Bridges is, and saw some other Celebrity's who might be looking a little older.

Other than that nothing much is going really, oh bought a car it is a 1987 Pontiac Acadian, it is baby poop yellow.

Once I have driven her around a bit I will post photos as well as my thoughts on her.

That is all for now folks we will touch base again.

Love you Blog



Saturday, July 18, 2009


Okay so I arrived at work today and realized that I had locked my drawer last night and forgotten my key, yah I was dumb. Well I scavenged for a headset to use and managed to find one and after extensive cleaning it was deemed "okay". I have been using said head set for about an hour now and it works fine. Well Kelso comes over and were talking and I am telling him my woeful story of my keys and then as i am looking in my bag..... there they are. Yah I never actually looked for them this morning as I just figured I had forgotten them, feel like an idiot. Either way the reason I am announcing this is because Kelso said he was going to tell Kath before me and I wanted to beat him to it!! 

here you go Kath laugh away :P

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Okay when someone says "Hey were going to come for the kids on the 24th" you might think okay so I need to make sure that their stuff is ready for then and that I have money/ time off to do it in, Right? Well no because after making sure this is all arranged you get the second message " Alright so we will be seeing you on the 23rd" umm no it's the 24th.

I am going crazy! Generally I am laid back but when it comes to planning things I need to be aware and know every little detail in advance so the fact that I received the first date only a week and a half before it happened was enough to send me batty, then to have my planning get screwed because the date has changed, uh hell no!

I just wish people would be able to say yes this is the date I have confirmed it and pleas go ahead and plan for that I will not change the date unless some thing grievous comes up like my own death, is that to much to ask? 

Wow feel way better now that is off my chest, next on the agenda is putting together a brief synopsis about Tease for Matt and then dealing with the boys and making sure they have everything. Really when did my life get so hectic!

Be back later as I know I will need to blog before the day is out!



Wednesday, July 15, 2009


My step kids drive me crazy, I say it all the time that when they mis-behave, act snotty, generally be kids and roll their eyes I mutter how I never asked for kids and that I want to go crazy and hit something, and yet I love them as if I pushed them put of myself. Anthony, Connor, and Aiden are my baby's and I treat them as such some times. Aiden lives close to us only about 30 minuets away, do I see him that much, not really we have an issue with his mother and how she tries to control when we can see our Aiden, but Rob has learned to stand up to her and not let her boss him around!

Anthony and Connor are here every other christmas and every summer for 8 weeks. They live in Iowa and we see them more than Aiden sometimes. Now they have full standing permission from Rob to stay with us here in Canada and we have had some consideration made by Connor. Now when he asked his Mother she said "NO", Now they are of an age where they can decide where they live and there is nothing either parent is allowed to do about it, but Connor is a mama's boys and will not cross her. 

The reason we find out is because she is afraid Master will not let her have them back, while yes I have considered it I would never keep the children from their mother ever, It makes me laugh that she says this as she had 2 FBI charges of kidnapping against her and deliberately keeps the kids away from their Father, HA.

I have been thinking about this while sitting at work and it makes me wonder if I would have more kids, I doubt it. I love children, playing with them and generally filling in the "fun" auntie role makes me happy but to be their full time mother, I don't think so. Rob and I have decided that at the age of 30ish I will decided about having kids and should I want one we will begin the steps, until then I will enjoy my step babies and all the joy they bring me!



A Lament For My Missing Camera

Oh where oh where did you go?

We had you at the park and I showed my mom your art,

And yet your not here with me,

Did i not use you enough?

Did I hurt you and make you want to leave?

Please tell me what i did

I miss your buttons and your zoom

And the inability to find cheep memory for you as your an xd card only camera

Should I move on?

Is this what you want?

I will look for you one last time on the 28th but after that I will begin a search for a new companion

Don't let this happen, 

I miss you Camera 


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Back in ther Groove

Alright guys I am trying to get back into these things and am having an okay time doing it. Currently the boys are playing rock band with a friend and I am recovering from camping it was amazing, sorry to my friends that I now look at and imagine naked as that is what I am used to seeing the last 5 days!

The boys are on their last leg here as their mom decided that they are going home on the 24th of July ( have I told you she irks me sometimes), Rob is trying to fix a laptop to send with them and it is not going as planned.

So Tease was an amazing experience for us, Master is a completely different person ( in a good way) and I have to say that I am a completely different girl in a good way!!

I am currently working on laundry and made lasagna mmm yummy!!

talk to you guys soon!


p.s. If anyone has any Ideas where my camera is I would love to hear them!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Trying to be a regular blogger

Okay so it has been a while and I have looked at my blog and gone " you should really post something here" and yet nothing has happened, well I am going to kick myself in the ass and get back on track.

States: As we might or might not know I go to the states to get my groceries with my good good friends Jason, Kath and Diana Stewart, well Jason unfortunately does not have his passport or a nexus pass so I have sudo taken over the role he brought to the trips. It has been good and I have enjoyed having friends that I can talk to like I can the stewart clan!! We cannot wait to have you with us again bud!

Work: As always it sucks and I really only like the people but with the realization that " Some times you have to make your own miracles" it has gotten better!! 

Slave stuff: same old same old, I am coming to terms with my anger and hatred for myself and it is an ongoing process.

Body: Yeah I said I would begin working out again and well...... yeah, I think I am going to get a bike and use it to get into shape, heres hoping it works!!

Home: Okay so I am in dire needs to get the house organized and it is not going the greatest but with all ongoing projects I hope to keep it up. Katie another friend of mine had these awesome blog day for cleaning and making yourself happy and I am going to steal them "stolen Katie :P" 

Misc: Money is driving me crazy, Tease is in 2 days and I am no where near ready, oh and the boys are only here for another 5 short weeks and I feel like I haven't seen them at all, ugh thank you for listening blog seriously it really helps!!


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Catch Up (he he he sounds like Ketchup)

Alright so I have been lax with the posting in the last few days and I feel a little bit guilty, not a whole lot but a little. There have been some changes and they are totally worth mentioning!

Iowa: So Rob and Matt went on the yearly (one of a few) road trip to Iowa to pick up Robs 2 oldest sons Anthony and Connor. The trip went well as I stayed at home enjoying the house to myself ( and by that I mean I cleaned). On Saturday I went out for coffee with a friend who I used to work with, then in the evening I went with Jay and Kath to the states for grocery shopping, I didn't get much in the way of groceries as all the money went to the trip with Matt. I did realize while hanging out with Diana their awesome 4 year old daughter that I might consider having a baby at some point in my life, maybe not........ huh anyhoo.

Got home from the trip with Jay and Kath and there was still no Rob and little guys, continued cleaning and went to bed, woke up the next morning and there were kids!! Had a great day with the boys and went to my parents to see them, while there my brother Travis nicked Connors hand and cut his vein or something, all I know is that there was a fountain of blood in my Mothers backyard and there was kids crying, surprisingly not Connor.

Went to the ER and 5 hours later the kid emerged with 3 stitches and a battle wound, if this is how the first day starts this is going to be a very exciting summer.

Spent Monday with the boys, we visited Robs mom and Aiden in Port Colborne, and stayed at home hanging out.

Working on being able to hang out with the boys more and more!

Evan came over last night with his friend Sarah and it was a blast! I forget how much I enjoy when friends are excited to see me, either way I woke up this morning and am not at work thinking about not being at work and it is a conundrum as there is VTO but I don't want to take it, right I really shouldn't take it, hummm maybe just a little, ugh damn you VTO your a fucking gateway drug!!!!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Random Thoughts and Feelings Pretty Heavy for a Friday

So I am more than willing to admit that I am a blog stalker! If someone blogs about another person or there blog roll has some interesting things in it I will jump over and read a little bit and see if it is worth following or if it is a one in a million post. Recently I have been "blog-stalking" my friends blog roll as she has some awesome stuff on it, one of her friends whose previous blog posts I felt were stupid and not worth my time have taken an emotional turn as she deals with the breakup of her marriage and is a single mom to two young children. Now I am easily captivated by blogs of this type, real human emotion and interest, dealing with issues, heartbreak, sickness, even death they captivate me and make me want to keep reading until the story reaches it's end or the blogger stops discussing it. This particular story has me slightly captivated, it is hard to become fully enthralled to the story when it is difficult to read the text (seriously some people have odd design choices) but none the less it is these blogs that I read that force me to sit back and examine my life, my relationship, and my direction that I am going and for these blogs I thank them, it is high time I got over my past and planned for the future by living in the present!!

Seriously where did all that come from, leaving the world of sappy and going back to our regularly scheduled blog! 

Had Diana's birthday Party yesterday and I love hanging out with the Stewart Clan! First off it is so neat to be called Auntie Nicole I love hearing it! There were all sorts of people there, Auntie Hollie, Auntie Rose, Jen, Glenda, Auntie Lauren, Rachel, John, Kaths sister Su, Jamie (Kaths brother in-law), Char (Kaths oldest neice), Kaths Mom, Kaths Dad, Becca (John and Rachel's daughter and clearly Diana's Idol), Jamison ( Kaths nephew), Kath, Jay, Me, oh yah and the birthday girl Diana!!

There were some pretty hilarious moments and it was so cool to put a name to the faces! I was entranced by Kaths Body oil and people laughed at my simplicity! The food was amazing, the cake was Divine, the presents were well received and there was a little bit of naked which helped round everything together! 

Have to say that when I see how happy Kath, Jay, and Diana are together it pulls at the heart strings and makes you realize how much happiness a child can bring into your life!

well we found a way to make it back to freaking sappy ugh!

I am off to try and book the comic con off from work!!



p.s. Yes even though she drove me nuts the last time she was here I even missed Tori a little bit at the party.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Have you ever seen your entire street in the dark but you had power in the house? No, well I did today and it's freaking weird. The normal hum of electricity is gone and it is just black silence. I realized that I loved it, the quiet the ability to not hear anything it was amazing.

Well that's my little blurb about enjoying the dark!


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Vent Much

Alright first a wicked awesome shout out to one of my bestest buddies eva Kath!! she has blogged three weeks in a row!! WOOT

Next I am venting cuz I don't wanna record my radio stuff and I have to, this sucks ugh!!!

Fuck it ALL

that is all for now

nickle out


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fast and Furious Arrests

Okay so yesterday was an amazing weather day and it was amazing for it's "fun" Factor. Work was the normal hum drum apple stuff but as always a day spent with Kath and my peeps at work makes it that much better to be there! After I got home from work and confirmed with Kath that we were going to the happiness that is WEGMANS!! 

The house was stifling hot due to the station in the "boys bedroom" so I was instantly cranky when I walked in the room, Matt was there and it wasn't that I don't like him but I really wanted to just have a Rob and Nickle day together watching TV and hanging out, meh I figured it wouldn't be a huge deal I can tune them out and just have a good day to myself! Well Rob came into the living room where I had passed out thanks to not sleeping very well the last few days, he asks if i would be interested in a movie and dinner date, I said sure and once Matt left we went to Best Buy to see Suzy and then to Wal-Mart and Canadian tire to see if there was anything Tent or air mattress related and there was an amazing Tent and air mattress combo it was so cool. But the thing that I wanted most was the mini display tents at Canadian Tire they were so cute!! 

After Canadian Tire we had to stop at home and grab Rob's wallet as we pull up there are 3 police cars in the parking lot across from our house and they were talking to some frizzy haired chick who looked drunk. I made rob roll my window down as I wanted to see what happened. Well crazy chick stumbled (high or drunk) so one of the female cops put her on the hood, then the crazy chick freaks and tries to attack the female cop, Female cop is not having that and flips out and cuffs the woman who is screaming. It really was the best part of my day. Rob says that seeing the guy get tasered across the street was better but because I didn't see it this was better for me!! Oh the area I live in.

Left the Crazy cop scene and went to The London Arms for dinner, I had the chicken Parm and it was delicious, Then it was off to the Movies to see Fast and Furious and It was actually a good movie "don't kill me Jay" I really enjoyed it but I do enjoy looking at Vin Diesel!! 

all and all it was a great Date night made better by the arrest and getting a chance to spend time with Rob outside of the studio. 



Friday, April 24, 2009

Blogs Ahoy

Alright so catching up is a very difficult thing to do sometimes and in the end it is easier to just do a full recap of the last week or so of my life, and here is the run down:

- Okay to start ( I could not spell start if my life depended on it BTW) I got both good news and bad news that Suzy is moving. Now some of you might be asking why is it good news one of your bestest buddies is leaving you and that would be because I know Suzy has wanted out of the basement apartment life for a while now, as well she wants to be able to have an air conditioner, parking spaces that are not lakes are always a plus, kids running around upstairs can be a bother as well as thumping by annoying friends, All of these things on their own might not be an issue but combined they create a trifecta of annoyance that can cause anyone to want to move house and home. So this is why I am okay with the Suzy moving besides it's not like I will never see her again my Suzy will always be around she is just further away and I wont be able to look out my window to see if she is there for hugs oh crap maybe I am not quite ready.... but I will be!

- Robs internet radio is taking off and I am super stoked for him and all the awesome-ness that will come with it! I still struggle with being jealous of the machines and the time he spends on it sometimes but I am super able to de-stress and realize I have not seen him this happy in a long time, yeah he gets way more stressed out than I think is good for him but he has a blast doing something he has always loved!

- Baking has been a huge release for me lately, it seems like if i am at home I am baking something. Bread has been the major choice for me as I love love love fresh bread and it's a simple recipe it just means that there is waiting involved as it is a no knead bread but when it is done OMG it is freaking delicious!! i have also made yummy rainbow cupcakes and am having a blast with a whole bunch of stuff. I love baking!

- Virus's suck, this is why i love my job at apple sometimes because the likely hood that some stupid issue is caused by a virus is null and void and they don't have the issues I had on my computer. Three of the .......7 computers in our house were infected with a virus thanks to Matt called brontok and it was a worm and very very aggressive like the mean kids in school or a scrub at a club, in the end we basically had to wipe the entire computer and I lost everything it was a huge annoyance but I have been loading music back in and am attempting to get everything back to normal.

- Dinner last night was yummy, I had made the bread before hand so it was done right as dinner was, we had Snasuage, perogies, and Suzy was a guest! Le Woot it was awesome to hang out with people who were not Matt and Nadia, I like them but you need space sometimes.

- Missing Evan, Okay so I made friends with an awesome guy Evan and it is uncanny how much in common we have and He is gone away for like 6 months doing his CoOp for college this summer. He is like an awesome friend it's like he is my Gay Friend but he is straight but there is no attraction so kidding around is easy. Anyhoo I miss his witty-ness and our comments about Batista!

- Attempted Kitty Suicide; this is what we would be seeing in the paper today if i ran it. There is a reason for this it is because my cat attempted suicide last night. Mishka is a territorial cat when it comes to other animals/cars/people walking around our house especially at night. Last night it was around 1 am and Mishka was at our bedroom window which looks out onto a busy street meowing and growling in his "i will seriously kick your kitteh ass if you come near my house" voice which was annoying Rob, I looked out the window and there was a cat on the porch causing all these annoying noises, just as I looked the porch Cat jumped down and took off across the front lawn heading to the road, well a millisecond later Mishka popped the screen out and was right across the street with him. I freaked out, Rob freaked out, I am sure the neighbours think I an mentally special. Well we open the front door and see the cat across the street looking at Mishka, well Rob yelled Mishka's name and I happen to look down the street where there is a car approaching fast, Mishka decides to run back at that point, the car almost squishes him, Rob yells stop, Mishka stops and makes it around the car unscathed, get in the house where I am freaking out, and then I start bawling thanks to my cat.

Can my life be anymore entertaining!!

More to come at a later time!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's been a while since we talked, lets chat!


How you guys doing? I am pretty good not much is new. I came to the realization that we haven't talked in a while and well I missed you guys!

So how about I get you guys caught up on whats going on in the life of ME!

Ireland- Alright so the trip was amazing I had a blast with everything that we did and I got to see the most important person the trip was for my grandaddy. He is my fathers father and it had been to long since I had seen him, because he is getting older it was a much appreciated visit that I got to see him before anything bad happened. Now the trip home was another story, it started out amazing with the trip from Belfast going to Newark, our seats were upgraded to a bulk head and Robs knee thanked us for the comfort! We arrived in Newark NJ and rushed to get our bags checked for the next flight we were taking from Newark to Buffalo. After the bag check and going through security again we were taken to our gate for the next flight and once we arrived we saw that our flight had been delayed, not a major issue so we waited at the gate, then it was delayed again so our 4:20 pm flight was now leaving at 8:30. This was not a major issue for us it just meant extended time in the airport, while watching our flight get progressively later and later my brother and I decided to go and look at the board and see what it was saying about the flight as the gate boards are screwy in Newark, well at the departures board we noticed that all of the other Buffalo flights were canceled that day, about 20 minuets later over the speaker our flight was cancelled. I booked it to the service counter and wanted to know what the hell they were going to do for us and they said " Well we can put you on standby for the 9:15 flight tonight but I cannot guarantee you a flight until 9:00pm tomorrow night" I was pissed but I said book us on standby anyway, now for food/hotel whats the deal with this? Well apparently Continental does not offer anything like this at least not until your stuck for 13+ hours it's fucking retarded. Well Rob got pissed and freaked out on them but nothing changed, my brother got a confirmed seat on the 9:15pm flight and Rob and I were on standby but our standby line up was separated by 2 people, so it went 2 people in standby ME 2 people in standby ROB ugh it was so fucking annoying. During this entire process my dad was freaking on the phone, and we were watching this flight get delayed again and again. I spoke with the gate agent handling our flight and he says that we should make it on the flight due to where we are in the line up, so we were happy about that. Next we made sure we could get train tickets tomorrow if we didn't make this flight with my brother, also we were informed that continental was putting our bags on this flight regardless of whether we were on it or not just another way they fuck you over!! Well finally the flight was boarding at 12:30 am Tuesday (we were supposed to be home Monday) and we had been traveling since 2:00 am Monday morning we were tired, they boarded the confirmed seats and then began the standby list but wait what did the fucker do he gave 3 standby seats to these people who had friends that had 2 confirmed seats on the flight, I had my little brother who had never flown before on the flight but no lets give it to the douches and now I was convinced that we were not both making it on the flight, they called me on standby and then I waited for them to call Rob's name, 2 more people were called then ................. Rob's name!! We got on the flight and I crashed asleep until we landed, I was down for the count. We went to baggage claim and grabbed our bags but wait they only put 2 of the 6 bags on the damn plane!! My brother had literally no clothing none, so we put in a claim and had to come back in the morning to get our luggage which we did!! After this we were not happy with Continental but we were finally back!!

Well that was my story about the trip back and it was a hassle but I am back and missed you guys!!

That's all I can type for now I will be back again later we have a friend up from the states and it's off to Niagara Falls!


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 2, CarickFergus, Grandaddy

Alright so yesterday we went out and about with my cousin Steph and Vera and we went to Carrickfergus. This is a town about 30-40 min away from Belfast where were staying. While in Carrick we went to the Carrick Castle and walked around seeing the different things and learning about the community. After that we went to a diner for some lunch and ..... the first of many menu pictures as Bangers and Mash were over 7 quid ha ha Peter so far I win!! After lunch we went up to a war memorial and Tj took a bunch of pictures it was beautiful up there and my favorite part was all the wee sheep on the hills!!

At home Auntie Joy made us all types of yummy food and seriously I have never had better chips!! We went over to my Grandaddys after and it was awesome to see him, I am definitely glad I came over to see him before any thing happened.

well that's about it for now I am off to make a cup of tea as it seems my body craves it here :P


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Over in the North

Hey Everyone:

Well it is day 1 of being in Northern Ireland and I am having a blast!! Master and Pinky are here with me and it is going to be a fantastic 2 weeks and I cannot wait to update you guys!!


Saturday, March 14, 2009


Okay so as were getting closer and closer to the departure day I am becoming more and more excited, as well as wary? There have been many incidents in Belfast over the last 2 weeks that have been a cause for concern on the part of my Father, and although Rob is there to take care of me and Travis I know my dad is still concerned.

Also did you know how shitty the Canadian dollar is right now seriously 500$ is equal to about 300$ there and I am not even gaurenteed that, ugh I hate money and the stigma attached to it.

Other than that there is not much to blog about.... oh wait it's PIE DAY and for all the boys out there it is STEAK AND BLOW JOB DAY.

Happy Holiday


p.s. I should totally get time and a half seriously :P

hey kath how about mini pies that i horde in the filing cabinet :P

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hoped up on the FUDGE!

Alright so I took VTO today as I picked up a shift and I decided to leave! Got home called Cogeco and complained about the fact I still don't have a fucking phone and I am beginning to get really agitated with this. Got hungry and since people decided to not give any input as to food I went and ate a slice of fudge, yes an entire piece of fucking fudge. I am so hungry and I am getting more and more pissed at the lac of assistance I recieve from other people.

Matt's here and he likes the fudge so I think I have a way to get more which is nice! Nadia is at work so still haven't seen her since she got back from London.

Back to my comments, I am in the studio and Master is playing crappy music and it sounds like crap and I cannot login to my sirius account... okay I am to pissed to blog right now I will be back later.


Going Well

I need to just make a note of this, I have been posting regularly (woot), and things with the trip are looking up I am kind of beginning to feel.......... positive? I know that going home is going to be tight money wise for spending but I will find a way to deal with it and make things work!!

squeee!!!! I am very excited and for once I am thinking positive!!

This is so much fun!


p.s. I think since I am feeling a little more positive that the ( woot, and squeeee ) are allowed variations to me actually making those noises all the time, and that's that!

I can speke welz

So on the way into work today Kath and I were having a discussion about people and their inability to spell correctly. Now I have been raised in the sense that how you write/speak/message is a reflection of your intelligence. Now I am not the worlds best speller ( I am not retarded but I do use spellcheck when it is available) but I make an effort to not come across as dumb.

My brother is a horrible speller and I attribute this to two separate things, one I believe my brother has mildly dyslexia and that he did not recieve help soon enough, second my brother is lazy and would rather just type and forget it than try, but when other people come across this way I don't know what to say, yes they too might have a learning disorder but they also just might be lazy and not care how there coming across. 

Facebook has a built in spellcheck, and if I am wrong about this then I know for a fact that the internet browsers (minus opera) do because I use the spellcheck. I am that old at 21 and it generally confuses people when I don't act like an idiot who wants to go get smashed and party all the time, I would rather have fun with friends and read a book than be a poster child for abstinence, I would like to think that when I write and when I speak that is how I come across as an intelligent, mature, person who is not an embarrassment to have around. 

I am not saying that I don't act dumb sometimes because I do and I know it is one of the things people like about me but I have to ask the mis-spellers out there...

Please use spellcheck because "no" does not equal "know" and "arownd" is not "around", thanks Nicole!


p.s. In this post I used spellcheck around 15 times, see it is possible!!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Went into the travel agent today and everything was sorted out YAY tickets were there proper price and I was happy!

Having said that apparently i need a new birth certificate and i need it yesterday as I cannot get my passport without a new one, ugh seriously can the stress come any worse!

edit: got the birth certificate ordered so here's my fingers crossed, Megan got hers in 3 days so....


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Blocked By a Bitch named KAT

So one of my best friends in the world is Ben. We worked together at Timmie's and suffered the horrible torture of that place and he became a very awesome friend, a very awesome friend who stood by me when the shit rained down on me thanks to the jackass I refer to as the "ex" after 2 years of torment at the "ex's" hands Ben was there and helped me up when I felt like giving up he was a life saver and I credit him to the day of stopping the loss of my life ( these were some very very dark times) anyhow Ben and I tried the dating thing for all of 1-2 months but I just was not ready and I broke his heart and I broke it really bad but he never stopped being my friend.

After a long extended break Rob and I came to be together and I felt guilty that I had never returned the feelings Ben had for me as I know knew what he felt but still he was there as a friend. Ben moved to Toronto and developed a life there and that was great, I missed him but that was his life he is a city boy through and through and I have known this from the start. While there he would tell me some things about the girls he was dating or getting involved with and they all seemed nice but never good enough for my benny boo boo, then he got into a relationship with KAT.

He spoke of her so much when we talked and he seemed so happy I was so happy for him and could not wait to meet her, finally someone to return the love this amazing guy could give, but alas I am apparently not good enough for Ben now, After messaging who I thought was Ben it turns out it was KAT I said okay awkward but I will try to get along and what does the Bitch say "well I am going to delete and block you now k" alright first off you sorority fuck wit don't mess with me or my friends because I will take you out and deadly, second do you really think the only place Ben and I talk is msn your dumb I thought hello I have the cell, home, and work numbers because he talks to me not the other way around.

He was going to be there for my wedding (wait what KAT you didn't realize I was in a committed and loving relationship and I am not trying to steal your fucking boyfriend) ugh god damn it seriously I am so pissed off right now!!

well Ben it's your life but remember who your friends are and who's been there.....


March Time

So I guess I left things kinda loose ended after yesterdays post and I wanted to finish it up a bit you know for the sake of my reader ...... readers? 

Alright well on the whole 7,000 + tax mess I have decided to take it one day at a time and not let it super dooper stress me out I mean I do not want premature grays and wrinkles thanks to my travel agent :) 

On the subject of Lisa's blog and the light it has shined on me, I fully intend to take advantage of the new outlook, I am going to try and look at life in a more optimistic way, I wont always be able to do this but I will try.

I know that it has been a very long very murky couple of blogs but I hope you guys wont hold it against me that I am being kinda down, but things will pick up I know they will!!


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Can it get worse??

So I thought things were looking up, an amazing couple that Master and I are friends with gave us the money to get our tickets and it just seemed like it was going well. We went this morning to get the tickets booked and as an added bonus they booked my brother, mom put the charge on her card and we were set. I was finally allowing myself to get excited, Fuck I made a count down at work till I was leaving and I could not wait to tell my lil brother ( I asked my parents to not tell him so I could surprise him, Man he was so excited) anyhow we were going over the etickets and the travel agent booked my brothers ticket properly then I take a look at mine and the price (which was cut off) is 7,000 before taxes.............what the fuck!! seems like he miss clicked and booked us on first class on one of the flights, seriously I cannot afford this.

This is too much, I was just beginning to get excited and then this happens it's like nothing is going to go right. I am so sick of it all, and I feel so bad because Master is trying to keep my spirits up but all I feel is like screaming "I DON'T WANT TO BE HAPPY THERE IS NO REASON TO BE!!!"

And then I remind myself how selfish I am, yah I am behind in my bills, yah I fear losing hydro and feeding ourselves but there are people out there who are much worse off, Today a blog I read on a very regular basis had a post about a woman named Lisa who had lost her 3rd battle with aggressive ovarian cancer, but she had kept herself up she was a fighter and was an amazing woman. So after reading Dave's' post I linked over to her blog http://clusterfook.com/ and began at the beginning of her blog and I was floored, here I am sitting at work holding in tears as I read this amazing womans blog about her fights with cancer and the amazing ability that the blogging community rallied to help her and sent her and her husband Dude and her two young girls Cam and Teenie to Disney World before there mother and wife got worse. Lisa passed away to her cancer yesterday and now all I can think about is how she managed to be an amazing person and face such a scary thing without becoming upset and desolate.

And here I am whining over a plane ticket, my health is good, my life is good, I have nothing to be so desolate over and nothing to get stressed about. Maybe Master is right maybe things will work out and I should stop stressing and driving myself crazy. I have amazing friends that are there for me thick and thin, Kath and her wacky sense of humor who is my friend but can understand me when I need super young like a baby advice, Jay Kaths awesome husband who has sparked a love of everything comic in me and lets my inner geek out and has taken me in as a friend even when I am a nutter, Sweezy, your one of a kind and I love you so much your a confidante, a best friend and amazing (or is it Awesome?) I could not believe not having you in my life since meeting you at the hell, Matt and Nadia both so separate but so a package, Matt the generous things that you did for me in this time and the love you emit when I am around, Nadia your amazing and I cannot wait till your back so I can drag your sexy ass to coffee and just cry and cry to get it out, My three stepsons who are the greatest kids in the world and they make me so happy each time I hear their voice or see their face, yah they drive me bonkers but I would never change them in a million years, there are so many other friends who I am missing but I have lost all hope of thinking right now.

My Family your in a category all your own, Dad I am a female carbon copy of you, stubborn, an ass, and generally a big idiot because of my temper and mouth, but your so amazing and you challenge me to be better and to make myself better, I love you Dad. Mom your such a support system you make me feel so much better and your such an amazing friend whether I need a hug, a ride or a good kick in the ass you deliver it with love, I love you Mom. Travis, TJ, Pinky, your my little brother and you have been a thorn in my Master plan since birth...... but your amazing, each day I see you grow so much and the young man you are and are going to be astounds me, do I get pissed at you Hell yah you drive me bonkers and I don't want to see you make the same mistakes that I dragged Mom and Dad Through it's just not right in my mind, so I try and challenge you try and make you a better person, I want you to succeed and know that you can always come to me for advice and help as I routinely come to you, I Love you TJ!!

Robert, Master, Soul mate, Best Friend, My World, My Everything, I cannot live in a world without you nor do I want to. My love for you grows exponentially and I cannot expect it to ever stop. I get mad and yell and scream and I say things that I instantly regret knowing I have hurt you but you need to know that I am never leaving you, us, this, your my life and your the only person I see through the storm and your the only one I want to see there, this will never change and I need you to know this. I am the worst kind of girl to get in a relationship with as I seem to try and sabotage my own happiness (who needs enemies right :P) but as one of my sacred vows I will try and stop I will try and keep it down, and I will walk down the aisle and pledge myself to you again and again if that's what it takes. I LOVE you Robert, I Love you my Master.

So my post has been long winded and lengthily and I hope you might have made it to the bottom, know if I missed you I love you too.


Monday, February 23, 2009


Alright so I sit here at my desk pondering things.... will I be able to get the money for the plane ticket together? Will I be able to figure everything out in time for the wedding next year? And where did I put the batteries for my mouse it is driving me batty.

Lately I have been feeling less than happy, it seems that being positive is a waste of my time as I just keep being let down by myself and that is difficult to absorb. I had a mini break down the other day where I just said fuck it, why not be a pessimist and then when good things happen it is a lift rather being optimist and feeling squashed.. But I don't want to be a pessimist I want to be happy and goofy and enjoy my life as it come hurling towards me with reckless abandon. I like being the crazy girl, who tries anything once and is willing to go to the limit, so why does it always seem the happy girl gets squashed and let down? Well I am not going to let it happen or at least I am going to keep trying to be happy and believe that in the end things will come together in some way or another.

xoxoxoxo nickle

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Lot

As You can see I decided to bring all of my posts over here as well as my live journal so they do go back as far as may of 2008, don't get freaked just read at your own pace :P


A Lotta Pain

So my face has been killing me for the last few days and thats stopped me from being able to post as it hurts to do almost anything. The pain is all thanks to my wisdom teeth deciding to make another performance, and on top of that I have to make a dentist appointment but don't have any money to pay them, argh damn you face damn you!!! Why the hell did we evolve with these damn things seriously why haven't they gone away like the unsightly back hair and such, I have evolved to eat normally stop pushing these damn things through, not to mention i found out you can be off for like 3 days with this so that means I need to schedule it around my damn days off, as there is no way I am wasting my "give up a shift" card for this damn tooth and god damn it I am going to make it to july without calling in sick!!!

In other news ...... nothing!! seriously I have done nothing lately, Went to the gym, tried to kill myself by eating Death by Bacon, and went to the Gym again. I am finding that in general after the gym I feel really good, not necessarily good about myself as i weighed myself and that was not 100% happy but good as in I have energy and just in general feel like I am able to do more, now this is just generally my feelings not sure if Master is the same but he has been doing much better, he can get up to almost 35 min on the treadmill and thats after doing his strength training on the machines as well so I am pretty proud of him for that, I am doing okay cannot complain at this point about anything except my tooth and how much pain it is causing me.

until the next blurb 


just because my way of life is different does not mean you get to bash me, ugh go to hell!!


Might be coming down with something, Master is sick and megan and wendy were before they were off from work for three days.

ugh hate being sick especially when I have to make extra money


Seriously I don't understand how the company can think that outsourcing our call center is a good idea when I need to peer feedback the outsourced minacs companies 10 times a day.... just it doesn't freaking compute! It makes me sit here and go " Maybe just Maybe this isn't the right job for me maybe I should be out there and do something else" then I realize there is no way in hell I am going back to working at Timmies and I don't think that working in Customer Service face to face will help as i might kill everyone that I would have to speak to. 

Oh for the care free days of high school where my worries were that I was a social outcast as were my friends, how my boyfriend was ignoring me, making sure I dressed okay, not killing myself snow boarding, and of course doing my school work!! But even then I remember that I worked almost full time through out high school and have been working since the age of 12. This is where I don't understand people, there is a discussion on fetlife stating that basically us "y" generation people are immature, irrational, and in experienced at life and there fore are just a nuisance (please note that this was just one person who chose to voice this against me but he was a jerk) then I sit back and think that in my short 21 years my experience and my maturity probably out weighs his vastly and that why should I care that he said this, well really I don't care per se but it hurt to be attacked that way, I was not pouting and trying to prove a point I was stating my opinion, My apology at the end about offending anyone was me following protocol from my Master, you don't get to decide that it was me being passive aggressive just because thats how it seemed to you. I am better than you, I will probably experience more than you as I am not some dumb ass who is to immature to behave, no in the end you might convince them that you views on me are correct and thats fine, I know that you're wrong, I know that I am better than you, and I know that if I even attempted to do the things to you that have led me to become who I am "Responsible" "Mature" "Intellgent" and generally not a retard that you would shrink away like a little bitch because you couldn't handle it, but me well I'm 21 so what do I know......

thanks for letting me vent there it totally just started pouring out and I just couldn't control it, that made me feel so stupid an worthless yesterday that I needed to vent my frustrations about what I felt. 

back to our regularly scheduled ramblings!!!

Other than the stupid India RTC, and the dumb payroll fuck up, and the general discontent I am feeling life is going well, Suzy my bestest bud is doing well, so well that her room mate was asking if we had seen her as he hasn't, :D oh mike you must know what your doing in the boudoir :P

Kath is good as well and generally there is nothing new to report on in the life i lead, Master has the flu we believe and that has me on alert as that is something I do not need right now! keeping on my goal to not call in sick to work is very hard to do when I hate being here so very very very much!! well other than that there is nothing really going on hoping to go see a travel agent on my days off to get some quotes on dates and the like but other than that nothing is really happening, oh wait Master and I might be moving (don't freak out yet Suzy) there is no definite of this but we need some more space and there were some options we were going to look into before making a decision on it or not. my issue is I love where we live, the landlord and suzy downstairs, being close to my mom still, and just the general area so I have some reservations about it, on the other hand I would love more space....... oh what is a girl to do.

until more thoughts!

Thoughts and Stuff

So it seems like it has been a while since I last posted even though it has really only been 2 days... huh. Work has been uneventful, lots of overtime and the like but nothing besides that really, oh wait a minuet there was some shit that happened basically INDIA, The center moved our Real Time Coordinators to Frickin India and damn if they don't fuck everything up on a daily basis, the latest in a series of dumbassery they fucked our pay schedule up so thanks for fucking my rent over India you suck asshole. Thank the jesus my landlord is a god straight down from heaven and seriously he is the main reason we haven't looked for more space as it's a trade I am not sure I want to make. 

Christmas was good got a magic bullet and a deep fryer!! New Years was uneventful as I basically cleaned .... yes I spent New Years eve cleaning my kitchen wooo hoooo. Earlier that day my brother and I had a photo shoot with our friend Tom and it was a blast, a cold blast but a lot of fun, this was a christmas present for our parents, it was late but awesome!! 

At work right now and the guy I was speaking with was a douche and now he is okay so that turned out good. Other than that there is nothing going on really lately, need to work on my finances a bit more as bills and Ireland are going to kick my cute ass. also need to go speak with a travel agent to figure out how much these tickets are going to freaking cost me. I really want it to be a Master and I trip and thats what I am going to shoot for but it all depends on the bills and such. I think that saving right now is the key as well as buying the tickets now so that way the money being saved is for spending and the like!! it is going to be a tight few months. 

Resolutions I think are dumb it is like setting yourself up to be disappointed, having said that I always make them and this year is no different, so without further ado my resolutions:
1. eat better 
2. exercise more
3. be more positive
4. don't call in sick, your allowed to leave after half your shift so just go in sick if you must and let them send you home
5. fix my finances, hate being in debt HATE IT
6. start something new and keep it up
7. stay connected with friends and family 
8. keep the house clean and cook more
9. Work on your communication
10. be yourself above all!

and thats all she wrote for now folks!!!

and stealing something from suzy quotes!!

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind." 

Happy New Year/Birthday

Happy new year all


Sent Home

The power went out, then the generators, and now i am home.

Update, Bumpers missing and all that jazz

Okay so wicked wind storm today holy shit!!

Woke up because i have been taking better care of myself and eating and all that nonsensical shit!! so I have been retiring at a normal time and waking up at a semi normal time as well!! seriously I have never felt better in a long time. Of course this does not mean that I have cleaned at all in the house and I am pretty sure that Master is going to kick my ass for not helping enough but we will get through it. Have been also doing a lot of overtime and the fact that I might be able to pay some bills is such an amazing feeling it really really is!! oh Cogeco you will get your dough!!

Back to the bumper comment woke up and did one of those not 100% if I am hearing everything properly but it sounded alot like people dragging cans behind cars and it was almost roaring outside, then stopped did one of those "holy shit thats the weather" looks and realized that my recycling bin was probably living with some one else now and that there might be extensive car damage, which is much more scary than you know as we just had to spend 500 dollars or more on the fuel pump on the truck right at fucking christmas "HATE IT" 

YMCA update: so I have been once which is more than before right :P no seriously I will be going more and it feels great when I do make it out, have decided that I will walk to the Y unless Master is going to come with me and then can get right into it, all I need to grab is a lock for my locker there!! oh and I kinda want an iPod shuffle to listen to music while working out. I have been thinking about taking some of the classes to be in a group you cannot quit kinda setting it might be good for me!!

Man is it windy today, sitting here at work and all we can hear is the wind howling through out. It on a day like today that it triggers memories of my grandmother, this is the type of weather that we would tell her not to go outside as her 80 pound frame would just float away. Then I laugh and think of my granny who also passed away and think about how in Northern Ireland it is windy like this all the time and she must have figured out a way to keep her tiny self battened down in the squalls.

So many memories about everything that has happened in the last 5 years so much good and also so much bad there are always 2 sides to the coins.

Well it seems that as I sit here more thoughts just come to mind, it is close to the new year so I guess it is just a time for thinks on past events and what has happened. People have passed away and people have had new little ones, I have reconnected with old friends and have lost friends as well. Jobs stayed the same for me but have changed for others, money was good, money was bad, Work sucked and it was fun, there were arguments and there were embraces, tears and laughter. Goals were set and were met or lost, and ideas were put forth. all in all it was a good year but my new years update will come another time. 

until the next post 



Snow and Such

Alright so it is Sunday night, I somehow made it to work today *thank you Master* and the weather for the last 3 days or so have been total shit. Friday it started with a foot of fucking snow that meant shoveling and the like and on top of that it is not even like I could have called in to work not being able to make it as it is apparently not an excuse for not making it in to work. Lets start off why the drive was going to be and was a stressful time with me an Master, snow tires we do not have we don't even have all seasons we have summer tires, yes thats being changed in the new year ugh!! Plows apparently do not operate unless there is a traffic camera pointed at that area, and wipers were having a blast freezing and not even touching the window, oh and asshole drivers who speed even thought the conditions are not proper for it, seriously these people are dumb asses there was a guy in a red sunfire who looked like Tom Selleck
yah there were worse pictures but I was nice to you guys :P and he was cutting people off and almost hit like 5 people it was horrendous. Any how this meant that my mother was having a spaz attack and would not drive in the snow so Master drove to come get me from work, an then we spent the night at mom and dads, woke up to breakfast and then went out to a very bad morning, have you ever went to a store a tried on pants and they didn't fit so you tried on a bigger size and nada again and then you hunted down the biggest size short of going to the plus size department and they still don't fit... yah the day didn't start up well thanks to my thighs, not my waist my fucking huge ass thunder things argh!!! needless to say have to go back to the YMCA and I have to make it a rule no matter what, hate it!! So now i am slightly depressed thanks to my body but i am going to try and make a positive light on the situation and hopefully all will be better. 

Work is driving me nuts, people are impatient and dumb and they will not follow my instructions argh!!! makes me wanna work at timmies, take the pay cut and walk to work!

not much more I can think of when it comes to stuff to write about so for now I will bid you all farewell and until next time sayonara

Movies, Christmas Shopping and Sweezy

Alright so after mail finally arrived at our house yesterday it was off to get the x-mas shopping done. Master and I some how managed to finish 90% of the christmas shopping, we don't know how but it is almost done!!! 

We had to go to best buy to check out some gifts and ran into suzy after a long span of 14 mikes and not seeing her (I now measure my suzy-less days in *mikes*) and it was amazing, she needed to wash up some cloths so she was going to come up stairs after work to hang out while they got clean. So Master burned zack and miri and the hilarity ensued, then it was off to watch an awesome comic and find out how you really suck a bag of dicks!! oh and that we really gotta go cuba-diving in the O-Chin. 

all in all a pretty fucking awesome day off and it was wicked finally getting to see my sweezy again!!


p.s. Master and I got each other PSP's for x-mas and i got the Darth Vader one and loco roco is fucking addictive


Creaky neck is still here boo

but mail is here now le woot to the mail finally arriving the mail drought has ended and the mail had cometh!!!


Creaky Neck, No Mail

Okay so you know when you face the dilemma of the mail carrier is shit but if you call the postal service and complain it becomes worse shit well that is the current status of our mail. Master and I have not received mail in like 3 *mail* days and it is starting to really piss me off. His Baby bonus was supposed to be here Friday but alas no mail, then it was supposed to be here today and we still have no mail, I am starting to wonder if our fucking mail man went on his own personal strike. Seriously he is a super shitty mailman anyways, never putting the right mail where it belongs, Suzy and Todds' mail ends up in our box * he he he BOX* or the upstairs jerkoff's get it and they don't get mail for weeks. ugh it just reminds me of how much better a fucking post office box * he he he BOX* would be more reliable then our own mail carrier!!! FUCK YOU MAIL

Woke up this morning to a creaky neck, where it hurts to turn it to much and you just wanna snap it back to where it belongs in a *fuck you neck I run this shit* kinda way. Seriously I slept amazing it was fantastic *Master not so much* my dreams were a little fucked up but other than that it was good then I wake up and it's ugh damn you body damn you.

well there is not much going on and i am sorry for the rants but if something good happens i will post it i promise!!!


p.s. the adverts are shoes and i want shoes

Starting Over

Alright so basically it's been a while since I have been here, what with it being blocked at work and my life being all kinds a crazy hell there just hasn't been the blogging time but guess what ........ I'MMMMMM BACKKK!!!!!!

So yesterday was the anniversary of the reminder that my parents do it.. did it not 100% but either way due to the traumatic's of this event I get gifts and really thats the main part right... and giving back that too!! Run down on the day went like this: 

* megan made me cake it was orgasmic, seriously we think jason at work came in his pants whilst eating a bite and that his customer got to hear the "awwww fuckkkk" 
* Master picked me up with a little Aiden in tow and we went home so I could shower and then we could go to Tuckers Market place for dinner.
* Got to Tuckers and shit it is yummy, they had delicious turkey and mashed potatoes and the best part, I was fucking free!!!
* Travis the little brother got me the tales of beetle the bard the newest tie in to the Harry Potter Franfuckingchise!
* Mom and Dad got me a seriously needed winter coat (thanks guys) 
* Master gave me my corset and it is beautiful and comfy
* we gave Aiden Butt his gifts and he loved his card!!

went to kaths house and laughed at Diana some as she is the cutest little thing ever!!

Woke up this morning and spent it arguing with aiden on how he needed to play twilight princess on the wii, seriously the kid wouldn't listen to how it needed to be done!!

thats about all that happened but all in all she would have to say a pretty fucking awesome day and a half. 

now she sits here at work looking at really good deals on ipods and wondering if Master would let her get him one. hummmmm
