Wednesday, July 15, 2009


My step kids drive me crazy, I say it all the time that when they mis-behave, act snotty, generally be kids and roll their eyes I mutter how I never asked for kids and that I want to go crazy and hit something, and yet I love them as if I pushed them put of myself. Anthony, Connor, and Aiden are my baby's and I treat them as such some times. Aiden lives close to us only about 30 minuets away, do I see him that much, not really we have an issue with his mother and how she tries to control when we can see our Aiden, but Rob has learned to stand up to her and not let her boss him around!

Anthony and Connor are here every other christmas and every summer for 8 weeks. They live in Iowa and we see them more than Aiden sometimes. Now they have full standing permission from Rob to stay with us here in Canada and we have had some consideration made by Connor. Now when he asked his Mother she said "NO", Now they are of an age where they can decide where they live and there is nothing either parent is allowed to do about it, but Connor is a mama's boys and will not cross her. 

The reason we find out is because she is afraid Master will not let her have them back, while yes I have considered it I would never keep the children from their mother ever, It makes me laugh that she says this as she had 2 FBI charges of kidnapping against her and deliberately keeps the kids away from their Father, HA.

I have been thinking about this while sitting at work and it makes me wonder if I would have more kids, I doubt it. I love children, playing with them and generally filling in the "fun" auntie role makes me happy but to be their full time mother, I don't think so. Rob and I have decided that at the age of 30ish I will decided about having kids and should I want one we will begin the steps, until then I will enjoy my step babies and all the joy they bring me!



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