Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I can speke welz

So on the way into work today Kath and I were having a discussion about people and their inability to spell correctly. Now I have been raised in the sense that how you write/speak/message is a reflection of your intelligence. Now I am not the worlds best speller ( I am not retarded but I do use spellcheck when it is available) but I make an effort to not come across as dumb.

My brother is a horrible speller and I attribute this to two separate things, one I believe my brother has mildly dyslexia and that he did not recieve help soon enough, second my brother is lazy and would rather just type and forget it than try, but when other people come across this way I don't know what to say, yes they too might have a learning disorder but they also just might be lazy and not care how there coming across. 

Facebook has a built in spellcheck, and if I am wrong about this then I know for a fact that the internet browsers (minus opera) do because I use the spellcheck. I am that old at 21 and it generally confuses people when I don't act like an idiot who wants to go get smashed and party all the time, I would rather have fun with friends and read a book than be a poster child for abstinence, I would like to think that when I write and when I speak that is how I come across as an intelligent, mature, person who is not an embarrassment to have around. 

I am not saying that I don't act dumb sometimes because I do and I know it is one of the things people like about me but I have to ask the mis-spellers out there...

Please use spellcheck because "no" does not equal "know" and "arownd" is not "around", thanks Nicole!


p.s. In this post I used spellcheck around 15 times, see it is possible!!

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