Sunday, January 11, 2009


Seriously I don't understand how the company can think that outsourcing our call center is a good idea when I need to peer feedback the outsourced minacs companies 10 times a day.... just it doesn't freaking compute! It makes me sit here and go " Maybe just Maybe this isn't the right job for me maybe I should be out there and do something else" then I realize there is no way in hell I am going back to working at Timmies and I don't think that working in Customer Service face to face will help as i might kill everyone that I would have to speak to. 

Oh for the care free days of high school where my worries were that I was a social outcast as were my friends, how my boyfriend was ignoring me, making sure I dressed okay, not killing myself snow boarding, and of course doing my school work!! But even then I remember that I worked almost full time through out high school and have been working since the age of 12. This is where I don't understand people, there is a discussion on fetlife stating that basically us "y" generation people are immature, irrational, and in experienced at life and there fore are just a nuisance (please note that this was just one person who chose to voice this against me but he was a jerk) then I sit back and think that in my short 21 years my experience and my maturity probably out weighs his vastly and that why should I care that he said this, well really I don't care per se but it hurt to be attacked that way, I was not pouting and trying to prove a point I was stating my opinion, My apology at the end about offending anyone was me following protocol from my Master, you don't get to decide that it was me being passive aggressive just because thats how it seemed to you. I am better than you, I will probably experience more than you as I am not some dumb ass who is to immature to behave, no in the end you might convince them that you views on me are correct and thats fine, I know that you're wrong, I know that I am better than you, and I know that if I even attempted to do the things to you that have led me to become who I am "Responsible" "Mature" "Intellgent" and generally not a retard that you would shrink away like a little bitch because you couldn't handle it, but me well I'm 21 so what do I know......

thanks for letting me vent there it totally just started pouring out and I just couldn't control it, that made me feel so stupid an worthless yesterday that I needed to vent my frustrations about what I felt. 

back to our regularly scheduled ramblings!!!

Other than the stupid India RTC, and the dumb payroll fuck up, and the general discontent I am feeling life is going well, Suzy my bestest bud is doing well, so well that her room mate was asking if we had seen her as he hasn't, :D oh mike you must know what your doing in the boudoir :P

Kath is good as well and generally there is nothing new to report on in the life i lead, Master has the flu we believe and that has me on alert as that is something I do not need right now! keeping on my goal to not call in sick to work is very hard to do when I hate being here so very very very much!! well other than that there is nothing really going on hoping to go see a travel agent on my days off to get some quotes on dates and the like but other than that nothing is really happening, oh wait Master and I might be moving (don't freak out yet Suzy) there is no definite of this but we need some more space and there were some options we were going to look into before making a decision on it or not. my issue is I love where we live, the landlord and suzy downstairs, being close to my mom still, and just the general area so I have some reservations about it, on the other hand I would love more space....... oh what is a girl to do.

until more thoughts!

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