Saturday, July 18, 2009


Okay so I arrived at work today and realized that I had locked my drawer last night and forgotten my key, yah I was dumb. Well I scavenged for a headset to use and managed to find one and after extensive cleaning it was deemed "okay". I have been using said head set for about an hour now and it works fine. Well Kelso comes over and were talking and I am telling him my woeful story of my keys and then as i am looking in my bag..... there they are. Yah I never actually looked for them this morning as I just figured I had forgotten them, feel like an idiot. Either way the reason I am announcing this is because Kelso said he was going to tell Kath before me and I wanted to beat him to it!! 

here you go Kath laugh away :P

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Okay when someone says "Hey were going to come for the kids on the 24th" you might think okay so I need to make sure that their stuff is ready for then and that I have money/ time off to do it in, Right? Well no because after making sure this is all arranged you get the second message " Alright so we will be seeing you on the 23rd" umm no it's the 24th.

I am going crazy! Generally I am laid back but when it comes to planning things I need to be aware and know every little detail in advance so the fact that I received the first date only a week and a half before it happened was enough to send me batty, then to have my planning get screwed because the date has changed, uh hell no!

I just wish people would be able to say yes this is the date I have confirmed it and pleas go ahead and plan for that I will not change the date unless some thing grievous comes up like my own death, is that to much to ask? 

Wow feel way better now that is off my chest, next on the agenda is putting together a brief synopsis about Tease for Matt and then dealing with the boys and making sure they have everything. Really when did my life get so hectic!

Be back later as I know I will need to blog before the day is out!



Wednesday, July 15, 2009


My step kids drive me crazy, I say it all the time that when they mis-behave, act snotty, generally be kids and roll their eyes I mutter how I never asked for kids and that I want to go crazy and hit something, and yet I love them as if I pushed them put of myself. Anthony, Connor, and Aiden are my baby's and I treat them as such some times. Aiden lives close to us only about 30 minuets away, do I see him that much, not really we have an issue with his mother and how she tries to control when we can see our Aiden, but Rob has learned to stand up to her and not let her boss him around!

Anthony and Connor are here every other christmas and every summer for 8 weeks. They live in Iowa and we see them more than Aiden sometimes. Now they have full standing permission from Rob to stay with us here in Canada and we have had some consideration made by Connor. Now when he asked his Mother she said "NO", Now they are of an age where they can decide where they live and there is nothing either parent is allowed to do about it, but Connor is a mama's boys and will not cross her. 

The reason we find out is because she is afraid Master will not let her have them back, while yes I have considered it I would never keep the children from their mother ever, It makes me laugh that she says this as she had 2 FBI charges of kidnapping against her and deliberately keeps the kids away from their Father, HA.

I have been thinking about this while sitting at work and it makes me wonder if I would have more kids, I doubt it. I love children, playing with them and generally filling in the "fun" auntie role makes me happy but to be their full time mother, I don't think so. Rob and I have decided that at the age of 30ish I will decided about having kids and should I want one we will begin the steps, until then I will enjoy my step babies and all the joy they bring me!



A Lament For My Missing Camera

Oh where oh where did you go?

We had you at the park and I showed my mom your art,

And yet your not here with me,

Did i not use you enough?

Did I hurt you and make you want to leave?

Please tell me what i did

I miss your buttons and your zoom

And the inability to find cheep memory for you as your an xd card only camera

Should I move on?

Is this what you want?

I will look for you one last time on the 28th but after that I will begin a search for a new companion

Don't let this happen, 

I miss you Camera 


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Back in ther Groove

Alright guys I am trying to get back into these things and am having an okay time doing it. Currently the boys are playing rock band with a friend and I am recovering from camping it was amazing, sorry to my friends that I now look at and imagine naked as that is what I am used to seeing the last 5 days!

The boys are on their last leg here as their mom decided that they are going home on the 24th of July ( have I told you she irks me sometimes), Rob is trying to fix a laptop to send with them and it is not going as planned.

So Tease was an amazing experience for us, Master is a completely different person ( in a good way) and I have to say that I am a completely different girl in a good way!!

I am currently working on laundry and made lasagna mmm yummy!!

talk to you guys soon!


p.s. If anyone has any Ideas where my camera is I would love to hear them!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Trying to be a regular blogger

Okay so it has been a while and I have looked at my blog and gone " you should really post something here" and yet nothing has happened, well I am going to kick myself in the ass and get back on track.

States: As we might or might not know I go to the states to get my groceries with my good good friends Jason, Kath and Diana Stewart, well Jason unfortunately does not have his passport or a nexus pass so I have sudo taken over the role he brought to the trips. It has been good and I have enjoyed having friends that I can talk to like I can the stewart clan!! We cannot wait to have you with us again bud!

Work: As always it sucks and I really only like the people but with the realization that " Some times you have to make your own miracles" it has gotten better!! 

Slave stuff: same old same old, I am coming to terms with my anger and hatred for myself and it is an ongoing process.

Body: Yeah I said I would begin working out again and well...... yeah, I think I am going to get a bike and use it to get into shape, heres hoping it works!!

Home: Okay so I am in dire needs to get the house organized and it is not going the greatest but with all ongoing projects I hope to keep it up. Katie another friend of mine had these awesome blog day for cleaning and making yourself happy and I am going to steal them "stolen Katie :P" 

Misc: Money is driving me crazy, Tease is in 2 days and I am no where near ready, oh and the boys are only here for another 5 short weeks and I feel like I haven't seen them at all, ugh thank you for listening blog seriously it really helps!!
