Monday, February 1, 2010

Wedding Money Woes

So this wedding of mine, yah I can honestly say I want to beat it with a hammer.....a sledge hammer!

It has been stressing me out galore and I was stressing about bills because as you may or may not know I work for a living and do not have a silver spoon in my mouth (besides I think it would hurt with my fillings), Rob has a bad knee, not a sore knee or a slightly disjointed knee nope basically this think is done finito caputz finished washed up done like dinner DEAD! Yes he can walk and sit and do other things etc but they don't last long before he has to "med" up to be functioning again. Now I am not complaining as he has money coming into the home so were not in a box exactly or anything but money is tight at times.

Today Cogeco wanted some money, I did owe them said money so it wasn't like they were being greedy but it stressed me out to the max.

So at work I sat down and wrote out my expenses and then I looked at them again and went "Where in the hell is my money going...?" So then I gave myself a budget, and I wrote out where the budget was going either Hydro, cable, Rent etc.

I took the left over money and calculated how soon we could have my Wedding paid for, and the result.....literal tears of Joy! If I manage to stick with this budget I may be able to afford this after all. I understand there will be difficulties in accomplishing it but I am going to stick with it and try my hardest because I want to be excited for my Wedding, and I really really really cannot wait to marry my dead knee man!

Love you hunny!


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