Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's not you it's me

Hey Guy's!

You would think that I have a fear of commitment to this blog as I post for a while and then when it seems were getting really close and we might be reaching an exclusive point, blamo there I go running away. Either way here I am again trying to make this work, really blog, I care about you a lot and I think we can have something special don't you, oh really, well I will show you I care.

There has been a lot going on lately in my life, just a mere 3 days ago I travelled to the wonderland that is the Toronto Fan Expo, yes people I was there! Among my esteemed colleges for the day there was, Rob (aka the Master), Jason (aka Coolest Dude for getting me into comics), Rachel (aka Making people horny since 2009), Russell (aka 14 years old, an ass man, and approves of my boobs), oh and Forch was there (no aka for Mr. Complains alot)

Any hoo back to the Fan Expo! This year there was a surplus of super hero costumes as compared to the anime ones, it's not that there were no anime costumes with their giant weapons that take out people where they stand it's just that the Green Lantern corp was there to patrol them, no seriously there was 3 million people either dressed up as a Green Lantern or in a Green Lantern Shirt. One of the guys at a booth wanted to get everyone who was dressed as a Green Lantern to get together to say the pledge, HA would have stayed for that! DC was there for the first time ever and I have to say that they kicked some serious ass, really I have 2 million pound bags filled with free swag from their booth, Marvel (aka Disney) on the other hand had like 2 items for free.

We spent some monies and I got more of my VooDoo Babies, as well as some awesome prezzies from Rob, Jay, and Rachel! All in all it was a great day, minus Captain Complain, the crowds and the fact that somewhere out there geeks are being taught that in order to be a geek you need to smell like ass, really guys your not going to win my geeky heart that way.

After the Long ass day we came home to Kaths (Due to knee issues Kath and Diana were unable to attend, it was for the best really as the crowds were killing me, Diana would have been an Ass/foot pancake) and we all gathered and had pizza and talked about the day and what we loved.

Russell (who is Jays Nephew not Son dummy) was awesome! He was not at all like the other kids his age and he was able to not be annoying like one of our other guests that day (getting a theme here)

Met Beau Bridges, kept forgetting who Jeff Bridges is, and saw some other Celebrity's who might be looking a little older.

Other than that nothing much is going really, oh bought a car it is a 1987 Pontiac Acadian, it is baby poop yellow.

Once I have driven her around a bit I will post photos as well as my thoughts on her.

That is all for now folks we will touch base again.

Love you Blog




Jay said...

Loved your blog today! It was a good time Saturday. You guys are awesome and i'm really glad we're all friends. You keep that iris open!

Katie said...

*laughs* I loved this post. And maybe, just maybe I detected a theme. I'm so glad you guys had a great time! Free swag is good.